Overhead Slider Rig

April 1, 2016

For our latest project with Aim Altitude, we had the idea of capturing a number of overhead shots to gain a birds-eye perspective. We thought about how we could achieve a slider movement from the same overhead perspective. We quickly realised that there are no ‘off the shelf’ overhead slider solutions available. So, to build our own we must!

The Build

We needed the rig to be compact enough that it could be carried in the back of a van, and simple enough to be fully assembled in under half an hour.

This was the MKi build, using a 2m Digislider. There was a fair bit of wobble on the first run through, so we used this right angle camera handle grip (not sure of the name, I think it’s designed to be used with flashes) to balance the camera more centrally to the base of the slider.

List of equipment used

  • 5ft Kessler CineSlider
  • 4 Metre Scaffold Pole
  • Big Ben clamps x 2
  • Manfrotto Super Clamps x 4
  • Spigot to 1/4 thread x 4
  • Right Angle camera Handle
  • 3 metre studio risers x 2
  • Bungie Cord


We opted for the Kessler CineSlider because of the inverted wheels on the carriage. When it’s upside down, it functions identically to when it’s the normal way up. We also used the Kessler 3 axis Second Shooter (without the head) which allowed us to keyframe the movement and have it repeatable.Battery PowerWe had planned to have a direct power line but the Mag Charge batteries were amazing –  just one of them lasting for the entirety of the shoot day.Studio Double RisersThe 3 metre studio risers allowed us to be able to move the rig around quickly. The wheels could also be locked, and 2 people could raise and lower the rig quickly. They gave us the height we needed to have for wider shots while keeping our camera at around 35mm to avoid lens barreling. The stands are also very heavy duty, giving us zero worries regarding weight.

The rig was so stable that we could use a 100mm macro with no noticeable shake on the final footage.

Lens adjustments had to be made by hand but focusing was all done remotely using the built-in wireless on the Canon C100 MKii – A very handy feature.

We were recording to an Atomos Shogun. To get the video signal out of the MKii we used a 5 metre HDMI and had our Atomos Shogun on a tripod just out of frame. We also had this plugged up to a 27” monitor, which helps massively in clearly viewing the focus and detail.